How To Switch Your Course (or Courtesy Wars)

So, I abandoned this in February. Oh wow… A lot of things have happened since February. Interestingly enough, the highest page views I got happened in August. At a point when I hadn’t logged in here for what? 5 months? How strange! I almost feel like this could be an excavation of it’s own kind!

I made a very scrappy scrapbook over the summer on my year, and once I’m back home for Christmas, I’ll put up some pictures and stories from that as well.

Life has also been strange. But it’s getting better. I ended up changing my degree after first year!


How to survive the search for housemates

So you’ve been at university for three months now. That means, basically everyone knows who they’re living with next year. Or do they?

I don’t. And I know a lot of people who don’t. I also know people who do, and I know people who are already unhappy with their choice of housemates, even though they’re not even living in the same house yet.

First of all, don’t panic. Or panic if you must. I’m not going to keep you from doing it. Just let it be said that there are always people without houses. If you don’t find anyone in your year, just move in with some ERASMUS students. I know a few people who did that, and they are incredibly happy with it.

Second of all, don’t hold it against someone if they don’t want to live with you. Yeah, your first instinct is to go all „You mean person! Don’t talk to me!“. Just because someone doesn’t want to live with you doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. Get over it.

Also, if someone asked you and you don’t want to live with them, that’s okay. But be honest and don’t leave them in the dark until it’s an hour before you’re supposed to sign the contract.

Thirdly, listen to some Panic! at the Disco. Or any other band that makes you feel calm and like you could take on the world. Or go jogging if that does the job for you.

Now that you’re a bit calmer, you have two options. No, wait, three options:

a. Ask around in your circle of friends – someone always knows someone who doesn’t have a house yet.

Of course, that’s a bit of a leap of faith and when all your friends already have housemates and a place to live, it seems quite daunting. But don’t worry, there are alternatives:

b. Look around on the pages of the Students Union. Regardless of whether you like them or not, they usually organise „Find a housemate“ events to go to. You’ll spend an entire evening surrounded by people looking for housemates.

Maybe you’re terrible with meeting people in real life though. Fear not, you can find housemates from the comfort of your college bedroom.

c. Facebook groups. For every university, there is a facebook group specifically for those searching for housemates. Also, if you don’t like whoever you start talking to, you can just block them and avoid all responsibilities for another day.

If you still haven’t been successful in your housemate search, wait for the incoming surge of Erasmus students. There will be someone you can live with.